Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Home from Haiti

Well…I am home from Haiti and was hoping that I would be able to blog while I was there but wifi was spotty to say the least.  So over the next few days I am going to sit back and contemplate about my thoughts and experiences there and will compile something more like journal entries.  I hope that you will be able to get a glimpse into what my week in Haiti was like. For now though, I jut want to say what an enriching experience this was for me and acknowledge that my view of the world has been forever altered.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here in Haiti!

Well...I finally have internet access and can tell you all I am safe and sound in Haiti. With a lack of sleep and a head cold setting in, my first day was amiss.  I climbed into my bed at 7:30 without dinner and proceeded to chatter my way through the night (A/C was to cold). Today is a much better day! Still stuffed and sneezy but finding my way back to what I know...nursing in the ICU! I have to say I am in awe at how they nurse here, both intense and tragic. Only 24 hrs here and I have seen and learned so much, and really it is not much at all in the grand scheme of things. These are great people and I look forward to sharing more soon, but gotta run and change my IV solution bottle!

Friday, September 20, 2013

My travel buddy needs a name

Hi everyone!

Well...my parents bought me this travel companion to accompany me to Haiti.  I thought it would be fun to put it out there to name this cutie!  Let me know what you think?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My first official post

Hey everyone!

Think that I am starting to figure out this whole blogging thing.  I am coming up to 2 months before my trip and have raised a lot of money thanks to all the care and generosity of friends and family.  This is the first time I have ever done a trip like this, and to be truthful, I am a little nervous.  Not knowing what to expect, how it all works or what challenges I am going to be faced with sends butterflies swarming around in my stomach.  But like anything else in life that is worthwhile...it's the start of a new adventure.  I am looking forward to provided care to so many that really need it.  Here's to the first of many posts!